June 2019


Dr. Rikki Permenter

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11

Have you ever knew God was up to something in your life? Like, you could just feel something big coming but you didn’t know what, when, or where? Maybe you’re pregnant with a ministry idea or are developing a love for a people group for no apparent reason. Maybe God is giving you just a hint of something he wants you to do but you don’t really know when it will happen or how. It is just like being pregnant, but pregnant with a promise. 

When God gives you hints of his plan for you: PRAY. Commit to pray about it until it becomes clear what it is he wants and the when and where will come along. You may never get a why or a how but God’s will for you usually just works in a way you could never have come up with. Just like God’s promise in Jeremiah to the exiles, rest assured God has a plan and and know it will be for ultimate good. 

All this to say we’re pregnant. Pregnant with a baby. We’re expecting another little girl in November and wanted to share the good news with you. Her name will be Magnolia Ruth - after a Great Aunt and a promise God fulfilled through a Moabite. 

This article can be found in print in the monthly Baptist Association of Southeast Louisiana newsletter.