October 2017

Grumbling Against the Lord

Rikki Permenter, MAMFC, Th. M.

The next day the whole Israelite community grumbled against Moses and Aaron. 

Numbers 16:41a



    Last month I disclosed to you guys about a long-awaited answered prayer from the Lord. The Lord gave me something I’ve been praying (and begging if we're being honest) for. He gave it to me in His time and in His way, but none the less He gave me what I wanted. I found myself praying a very strange prayer just this week. I found myself having a conversation with the Lord that sounded a little something like this, “ I know I asked you to get pregnant Lord, but I didn’t really think you were going to do it… I know you may not know this, Lord, but you have to go to the doctor a lot when you’re pregnant, and medical bills are really expensive. I’m stressing Lord because I didn’t really budget for us to meet our insurance deductible this year… did you know our deductible is thousands of dollars out of pocket, Lord?” 

    Last month I disclosed to you guys that the Lord performed a miracle in my life. He made a person, like from scratch, and is letting me grow it. He performed the miracle of creating a life. I saw this miracle happen - heck; this miracle happened to me. This month I’m worried about paying bills. I’m doubting the Lord will provide financially when just not that long ago He made a whole tiny person just for me. 

    In the book of Numbers, the tale of the Israelites is woven through the desert. I’m always shocked about how quickly they forget about how the Lord provides for them. He parted a sea, gave them a pillar of smoke and fire to follow, rained down pita bread and rotisserie chickens from the sky, and lead them to a land he promised them. God performs some huge miracle for them and poof, the next day they are grumbling and complaining again. 

    Where in life are you focusing on the small things and doubting God’s ability to provide? Where do you forget the huge miracles He has performed and the mountains He has already moved just to get stuck grumbling about something that is so much smaller? Take a minute to think about miracles God has performed in your life and craft a prayer of thanksgiving to Him. Take another minute to survey the small things you doubt about that are getting in the way. Remember, God is big enough to handle both the impossible and the mundane. 


This article can be found in print in the monthly Baptist Association of Southeast Louisiana newsletter.